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Patrick Ungashick

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How Much Is Your Company Worth According to Your Buy-Sell Agreement?

Here’s the story of how one business owner’s buy-sell agreement understated his company’s value by a factor of 10, and what you need to know for your own business value and exit planning.

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Why It May Seem Like Buyers Are Nuts Regarding Your Business’s Value

Recently we had a client go through a thorough and well-prepared process to sell his company. About 300 potential buyers were contacted — a mix of strategic and financial players. Here’s the preliminary breakdown:

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10 Reasons to Put Golden Handcuffs on Your Best Employees

High-performing employees are the most valuable asset in most companies. Customers, products, technology, inventory, and most other assets come and go.

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10 Things Impacted by Your Business Exit


Research survey after survey shows that most owners of small to mid-sized companies lack an exit plan. My nearly 30 years of experience backs this up; practically every day, I see business owners working incredibly hard to grow their companies but giving little thought to their future exit and doing even less to prepare for this inevitable event.

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Need to Buy Out a Partner? The SBA Just Made This Easier

A recent technical change in the Small Business Administration’s (SBA) lending policies could make it easier to finance buying out a business partner. Prior to this change, borrowing money to buy out a partner through an SBA loan guarantee program could often be difficult or impossible.

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How to Talk to Your Employees About Your Future Exit white paper
What Should You Do with Those Unsolicited Offers to Buy Your Business? white paper
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