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Patrick Ungashick

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Your Last Five Years: It is Crucial to Make the Right Turns When Determining Your Exit Strategy

This article is the second installment of a seven-part series on what business owners need to do once they reach the Last Five Years before exit.

In the first article of our series, Your Last Five Years, we examined why five years is a tipping point, at which time owners must start planning their exit. Click here to review that article.

Once business owners reach the point where they believe they would like to exit within the next five years, then five questions now become critical to answer. These five questions will largely define your exit goals, and identify the work required to help you achieve them. There’s no way to sugar-coat this—answering these five questions must happen as you enter your last five years. Going forward without clearly defined goals is like driving in a car without knowing one’s destination—you have no way of knowing if the next left or right turn will end up taking you anywhere good. 
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Your Last Five Years: Why Starting Your Exit Planning is Critical with Only Five Years Left

This article is the first installment of a seven-part series on what business owners need to do once they reach the Last Five Years before exit.

Imagine a doctor has just advised a patient that he must lose twenty pounds – or his life is in danger. If the doctor said the weight loss must happen within one week, that would be a crisis. If the doctor said the patient must lose the weight within one year, it would take some work, but losing twenty pounds in one year would likely not be a crisis for most people.

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12 Timely Questions the New Tax Laws Raise for Every Business Owner in America


The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) is perhaps the most sweeping US tax law change in several decades, with a long list of changes to corporate tax rates, personal income tax rates, and other areas. The new laws change much of the tax landscape for businesses and their owners—now and at exit.

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Exit Planning Under the New Tax Laws: Should You Be a C-Corporation?

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) is perhaps the most sweeping US tax law change in several decades, with a long list of changes to corporate tax rates, personal income tax rates, and other areas. These changes impact the tax landscape for businesses and their owners. If you are a business owner, and you expect to sell your company at your exit, the new laws raise several important questions. One of the most important is which entity may be the most tax efficient when you sell your company? That’s the question we will explore.

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Three Free Resources to Learn About Exit Planning Under the New Tax Laws

NAVIX, as part of our continuous commitment to give business owners the information and tools they need to plan for and achieve successful exits, is pleased to offer three complimentary educational resources on the newest tax laws and how they impact your exit.

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