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Patrick Ungashick

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The 5 External Factors That Drive Your Business Value at Exit

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Do I Have to Pay $10,000 Just to Find Out What My Business is Worth?

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The Third Time's the Charm

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Why Fair Does Not Mean Equal When It Comes to Family and Business

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All successful businesses have an exit plan because every business owner will exit from the business, one way or another. The question is for you to determine the right strategy from the four potential exit strategies available to privately owned businesses and their owners. Identifying which strategy at the right time will save you money by aligning your goals with the business objectives to ensure a successful outcome for both the business and yourself. The four possible business exit strategies are:

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How Fast Does Your Business Need to Grow to Attract a Buyer?

Buyers want to buy businesses that are growing. You already know this. But, growing how fast? What is the growth rate that buyers will pay maximum value for? What growth rate is too low to command top value?

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How to Talk to Your Employees About Your Future Exit white paper
What Should You Do with Those Unsolicited Offers to Buy Your Business? white paper
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