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Patrick Ungashick

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How One Business Owner Reduced Financial Dependency on His Business



The following case study is based on a true story. It highlights the importance of co-owners in a business recognizing their exit objectives may not be aligned. Owners need to plan their exit years prior to the event and work with an experienced team of advisors, like our NAVIX Consultants.

Download How One Business Owner Reduced Financial Dependency on His Business Case Study (PDF)

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Five Reasons Why You Need to Work with a Professional Exit Planner

Download the White Paper and watch the video below.

While every business owner is a unique person, experience shows that nearly all business owners want the same three things when they exit from their business:

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White Paper: The Exit Magic Number™ The Most Important Number to a Business Owner

Download the White Paper and watch the video below.

Nearly every business owner aspires to reach personal financial freedom at exit. And for most owners, this is the top priority. The Exit Magic Number™ calculates how much capital you need to receive from the business between now and the exit to achieve personal financial freedom. In our experience, most owners don’t know their number, or have a number in their head that is usually wrong—by many millions of dollars. It’s critical to know your number accurately. This short video introduces you to a tool we offer to help you calculate and track your Exit Magic Number™.

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Family, Fair and Equal a Potential Problem

The following case study is based on a true story. It highlights the importance for parents in family owned businesses to clarify and articulate their business exit and succession objectives to their children. Even if the parents believe that they are being fair that does not guarantee that all family members will be aligned. Parents need to prepare a plan to transition the family business years in advance. They should consult with an experienced team of advisors, like our NAVIX Consultants.

Download Family, Fair and Equal a Potential Problem Case Study (PDF)

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Complimentary Due Diligence Checklist Tool

Watch the video and download the complimentary tool below.

It is during due diligence that potentially things can really go wrong. When selling your business, you cannot afford to be unprepared or have surprises occur during due diligence.

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How to Talk to Your Employees About Your Future Exit white paper
What Should You Do with Those Unsolicited Offers to Buy Your Business? white paper
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