Top 10 Signs You Are Not Ready to Sell Your Company
White Paper

  • Top 10 Signs You Are Not Ready to Sell Your Company | A NAVIX Whitepaper

Think You're Ready to Sell?

Just like any important decision, the question of selling your company should not be made hastily.

Every business owner and every company is unique, yet there are some universal signs that business owners can use to help determine if they are ready to begin the sale process. (Remember, it typically takes nine to twelve months to sell a company once the process has started.) Overlooking any one of these signs can lead to a significant amount of lost sale value or derail the sale altogether. Because most business owners exit only once, it is important to learn what is involved in getting ready to sell before you start the process—otherwise you risk discovering half-way through that you missed something critical.

This white paper explores each of the ten signs and offers resources to help owners address each issue. At the conclusion, the white paper identifies further steps to help you prepare for the sale of your company.

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